29 May 2023

Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project "An Innovative Practice in Intergenerational Infusion Education: Sharing Session"

"An Innovative Practice in Intergenerational Infusion Education Programme: Sharing Session" organised by the Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, partner of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project, was held on 29 May 2023. About 100 Project Ambassadors, representatives of subject teachers and elderly centres, and older people interested in "Intergenerational Infusion Education" joined the event to recognise the programme's achievement.
"An Innovative Practice in Intergenerational Infusion Education Programme" empowers Project Ambassadors to share knowledge and experience on promoting age-friendly city with university students, and enhances their self-worth through intergenerational learning. University students, through interacting with Project Ambassadors, equip themselves with the mindset and ability to build an age-friendly city. The goal of the programme is to collaborate with different departments/schools and integrate age-friendly education into the curriculum. Since September 2022, the programme had collaborated with the Department of Management and Marketing, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Optometry, School of Design and Department of Building and Real Estate ofThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
During the sharing session, Dr Bai Xue, Director of the Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Mr Yip Ho Ming, Project Associate of the Centre, shared the programme evaluation findings. Project Ambassadors, subject teachers, university students and representative of the elderly centre shared their reflection participating in the programme. Ambassadors were more concerned about the development of age-friendly city, had more confidence to communicate with younger people and had a more positive attitude towards younger people after participating in the programme. University students had more understanding about age-friendly city and the needs of older people through the experience sharing from Project Ambassadors, had a more positive attitude towards ageing, enhanced the technique to communicate with older people and had higher professional interest to pursue ageing-related career. Subject teachers and representative of the elderly centre expressed that the platform should be sustained to facilitate intergenerational interaction and understanding.
Presentation on programme evaluation findings(Chinese version only): Click here
Video of programme introduction and achievements: Click here

Initiated and funded by:


Project partners:

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The University of Hong Kong
  • Lingnan University
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
  • Sau Po Centre on Ageing
  • Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies
  • Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies
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