Feb 2018 - Jun 2018

Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - Age-friendly City Promotion Programme

District:Central and Western

Organisation:Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Western District Elderly Community Centre

Key components:
  • Train AFC Ambassadors by registered occupational therapists and social workers on home safety knowledge, and jointly develop “Home Safety Checklist”, enabling the AFC Ambassadors to become “Home Safety” Ambassadors to assist in community promotion.
  • Train elderly volunteers by professional drama tutors on drama skills, and jointly produce a drama script, conduct rehearsals, and provide a roving drama performance in the district to promote age-friendly community.
  • Produce video of the drama performance for online broadcasting in order to promote the importance of building up an age-friendly community.
  • Through community talks in schools or community service centres, “Home Safety” Ambassadors to introduce the concept of age-friendly community and “Home Safety” checklist, and to promote age-friendly city.
  • Conduct home safety assessment for elderly households in need by registered occupational therapists and social workers to help improve the elderly’s home living environment.

AFC domains:
Social Participation
Number of direct beneficiaries:1,910 people

Approved funding:$200,000

Initiated and funded by:


Project partners:

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The University of Hong Kong
  • Lingnan University
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
  • Sau Po Centre on Ageing
  • Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies
  • Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies
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