Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - LO HO Life ll
Organisation:OIWA Limited
Key components:
Recruit and train young-olds, retired people and housewives to become AFC Ambassadors and teach them tips on staying healthy, fall prevention, and how to improve home safety, etc.
Conduct home visits to elderly singletons and doubletons, provide home modification work and distribute souvenir packs.
Teach young-olds by retired persons, housewives and young people on the use of communication applications on smart phones, and encourage the young-olds to utilise their knowledge learnt to create chat groups and disseminate community information and provide support to the neighbouring old-olds.
Organise a sharing cum award presentation ceremony to recognise the contribution of participants and volunteers in the programme, promoting the spirit of “helping people to help themselves” and encouraging them to continue to serve the community.