Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - Health Ambassadors Training Programme (Eastern)
Organisation:Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong
Key components:
Train older adults to be health ambassadors and equip them with health-related knowledge regarding dementia, depression and frailty as well as the concept of age-friendliness.
Produce a district resources booklet to introduce the concept of age-friendliness and the useful information, screening tools and community resources relating to dementia, depression and frailty. This booklet will be used by the health ambassadors to provide free consultation services to local elderly residents.
Arrange the trained health ambassadors to station at various community organisations such as District Elderly Community Centres (DECCs) and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres (NECs) as "Volunteer Consultants", providing useful health information and promoting the age-friendly messages to elderly people.
Set up a time-bank volunteerism system to record the service hours of health ambassadors and redeem the earned time credits in exchange of goods or services provided by the community organisations as incentives.
AFC domains:
Civic Participation & Employment
Communication & Information
Community Support & Health Services
Social Participation
Health ambassador training and time bank reward programme
(Provided by Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong)