Apr 2018 - Dec 2018
Intergenerational Vanilla Garden
District:Tai Po
Organisation:The Salvation Army Tai Po Multi-service Centre for Senior Citizens
Key components:
AFC domains:
Organisation:The Salvation Army Tai Po Multi-service Centre for Senior Citizens
Key components:
- Provide trainings for young people on the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project, the concept of age-friendly community, and the communication and interview skills with the elderly.
- Organise interactive activities for cross-generational participants to enhance their understanding of one another and the importance of respect and inclusion, and also encourage the elderly to take part in community activities, establish social network and enhance their communication and information exchange by sharing their sources of information.
- Arrange gardening activities of planting herbs and organic crops jointly joined by young people, primary students and the elderly, aiming to foster intergenerational harmony and also enhance the elderly’s sense of self-recognition, self-confidence and enthusiasm towards life.
- Conduct home visits to singleton and doubleton elderly by elder and young volunteers to distribute leaflets on age-friendliness and healthy diet, to strengthen the abilities of older people to manage their health and disseminate information about community support and health services.
- Organise large-scale carnival and ceremony to promote the messages of age-friendly community and share information on healthy diet, community support and health services.
- Jointly produce a booklet of “Recommendations on Healthy Lifestyle” by tertiary students and elderly people, and organise age-friendly intergenerational harmony exhibitions in primary schools and The Education University of Hong Kong to showcase the programme achievements, and promote the messages of healthy lifestyle and age-friendly community to the public.
AFC domains:
Community Support & Health Services
Communication & Information
Respect & Social Inclusion
Social Participation
Number of direct beneficiaries:465 people
Approved funding:$242,090
Approved funding:$242,090