Sep 2018 - Dec 2018

Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - We Build Age-friendly City in Wan Chai Together (II)

District:Wan Chai

Organisation:St. James’ Settlement Wan Chai District Elderly Community Centre

Key components:
  • Train AFC Ambassadors and raise awareness on outdoor spaces and buildings, and conduct site visits to assess the age-friendliness of community facilities in the district, as well as train the Ambassadors to utilise different formats and channels of media (e.g. photos, videos, YouTube) to voice out opinions.
  • Organise mobile phone and iPad classes to teach the elderly on how to use social media and communication applications, e.g. Facebook and WhatsApp.
  • Announce the assessment findings of site visits and organise district forums to share the learnings and opinions of the elderly with community members.

AFC domains:
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Communication & Information
Social Participation
Number of direct beneficiaries:628 people

Approved funding:$256,000

Initiated and funded by:


Project partners:

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The University of Hong Kong
  • Lingnan University
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
  • Sau Po Centre on Ageing
  • Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies
  • Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies
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