Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project - Active Ageing Programme 2018 (Kwai Tsing)
District:Kwai Tsing
Organisation:Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Key components:
Train elderly people to be health ambassadors, and equip them with the ability of health self-management through providing trainings on physical well-being (e.g. muscle training, aerobic and stretching exercises), nutrition and dietary, age-friendliness on-site audit skills and age-friendly city concept.
Lead the health ambassadors to conduct on-site audit to assess the level of age-friendliness of selected fitness trails in the community and propose suggestions for improvement. Health ambassadors will produce videos to disseminate their observations during the on-site audit andsuggestions to the community members.
Organise information days to disseminate the message of healthy ageing and elderly health information and providing simple body check for the elderly in the community.
AFC domains:
Community Support & Health Services
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Respect & Social Inclusion
Social Participation
Number of direct beneficiaries:323 persons
Activity Highlights Video (Chinese version only):
Active Ageing Programme 2018 (Kwai Tsing)
(Provided by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing)